Monday, December 17, 2012

God's Presence and The Hobbit

Tonight I did something I never thought I would do.  Yes,  I caved and saw the Hobbit.  Now, for most people this wouldn't be a big deal, but for me, it was huge.  When Lord of The Rings came out, it was such a big deal and "the thing" to do, that I decided most resolutely that I would not, under any circumstance, read the books or watch the movies while they were that popular.

I still have not done either, though more for the sake of time than anything else (as in, I don't have enough of it). 

I was greatly motivated to see the Hobbit because of the fact that Martin Freeman is in it.  I grew attached to him as an actor when I first saw him playing Holmes opposite Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock (BBC).  And I was reminded tonight why I like him.  He BECAME Bilbo Baggins.  He breathed, ate, talked, fainted, and even blinked him.  Well done, sir. 

But after I got over my awe and love of his character portrayal, I began seeing so clearly the Christian themes in The Hobbit.  No, no character ever screams "Jesus is the Savior of the world" in any part of the movie, but if you know what you're looking for, if you know who Tolkien was and the people he spent time with, you see it ever so clearly. 

One of the first things that popped out to me was the never-ending retrieval of the good characters from their plights.  No matter how many times the dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandolph ran towards trouble and away from what they were supposed to be doing, they were constantly rescued.  It reminded me of how we, as children of God, often run away from Him and what He's told us to do, and when we are caught in trouble, just as He knew we would be, He is always faithful to come and rescue us.  And He will do it incessantly, until we understand how LOVED we are, and that He will never give up on us. 

Another theme that I love, and that C.S. Lewis, another Inkling, frequently used, is light vs. darkness.  And while I am speaking metaphorically, I am speaking literally too.  The Trolls, quite cowardly creatures, actually, turn to stone when touched by the sun.  God's light and truth reach into the deepest darkest depths, where we would never dare to go, and expose the Truth.  His Truth.

The evil characters seemed to be constantly speaking lies to the good characters, taunting them with reminders of their mistakes, flaws, and faults.  But although the good characters appeared to give in and believe the LIES, at least for a while, in reality, it made them stronger.  They learned how to combat the lies, and not recognize them as truth.  Satan speaks lies to us every day.  They come from many different places, as he is quite resourceful.  Family members, friends, movies, songs, professors, television....We are hounded every day with lies.  But when we remember The Truth, they cannot stand against the light of God's Truth.

God's presence is ever-evident; it cannot be escaped.  The butterfly is found in the burning flames, the lark in stone and darkness, and the sun comes ripping through the darkness, exposing everything it touches for what it really is: God's creation.  

1 comment:

  1. Chelsea, nice summary and a good reminnder that we must always focus on The Truth! I appreciate the gift that the Lord has given you to share your thoughts through the written word. I am blessed to be your earthly father.

    Much love and admiration,
