Sunday, September 16, 2012

My heart

God brought this to my mind when I was driving to work this week. 

I know I am to give my heart to Him, to hand over my cares every day.  But do I hand my heart to Him, or toss it over my shoulder?  I think it makes a big difference.

Because He made me, He knows my heart.  He knows everything about me.  My failures, hurts, mistakes, longings, dreams, passions.  I am made in His image.  But sometimes I forget grace, and mercy, and His unconditional love.  I dishonor Him by thinking of myself as a piece of trash, tossing my heart over my shoulder like some disheveled valentine. 

Handing my heart to Jesus involves coming to Him with humility, knowing I am forgiven, yet also understanding that I am a sinner in need of grace, and constantly being made new by Him.  It hurts, sometimes.  Often I feel like Eustace, in the Voyage of The Dawn Treader, when Aslan must rip off his dragon scales in order to reveal the real Eustace.  It's horrible, at times, but so worth it when I appear more and more like Jesus after every trial. 

Here's to handing your heart to Jesus.


1 comment:

  1. *Like
    Really good Chels. I think that we all have times in our lives when God is ripping off part of our old self so that more of him can shine through. Painful? Yes.
    Worth it? Absolutely!
